18 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi
There's a battle in my soul
I thought I was bloody strong but after all the latest harassments on social media I realise that I am actually fragile. But again maybe the strength is not "never ever falling down, or tripping over" but perhaps it is more like "you fall over, you trip over but you stand up, dust off and move on". I am sure I will stand up on my feet again but at the moment there is a battle in my soul. I am going over and over again where I might have done so wrong and where it went wrong. As usual I blame myself again. They say I shouldn't have written so brave, I shouldn't have said it utterly. No matter what I talked about, the middle east, feminism, veganism, gender and sexuality, they made me the object of the sexual objectification and hit me from here to win the argument. Now that's sad.
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