18 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi

Stages of mind

I do a few things when someone doesn't accept me the way I am, or ignore me or neglect me or hurt me. There are a few stages and this can take a few days to a few months, depends how bad it is.

Stage 1: Blaming myself, hurting myself, punishing myself:
It is always my fault when something goes wrong. I have done something bad, wrong whatever. I always look into myself and my actions first. I go over them one by one in every single detail. I run, exercise or do something physical because this stage hurts a lot emotionally. I must turn emotional pain into physical pain so I can cope with my emotions, which is usually guilt.

Stage 2: Checking if there is anything to do to mend, if there is anything I can do.
I try and try again to communicate with the other to clarify what has actually happened. Usually the other person doesn't care, I usually don't have any response, which proves that they are quiet an ass. This stage is fine too as I kill the last question in my mind because I'd feel extremely guilty if I leave one single question that I couldn't answer. Everything can turn around at this stage depending whether I will have a response from the other party or not; or depending on their attitude about the whole matter and if we could clarify any misunderstandings.

Stage 3: Accepting the fact that I did my best and that I am okay (and the other party was not an angel)
Well, it says it all. there's nothing there. So I accept it is not my fault, and there is no question about this.

Stage 4: Letting go, freeing myself
After this stage there's no turning back. The person becomes no one in my mind. I don't show any feelings, no hatred no aggression no love, absolutely nothing.

6 yorum:

  1. Excellent read.The last years i am feeling that i doesn't show any emotion what so ever anymore. Last, a well known friend of our family died from cancer, and i didn't go or shed a tear, 3 months before that my mothers best friend died, and we've known that family since my birth, again didn't feel anything.

    I just don't care anymore, it's like i have always used stage 4 like you mentioned. It's like i have become a emotionless zombie, maybe it has to do after 1 failed relationship and 1 rejection.

    1. Thank you for your comment. You are very kind.
      I know what you mean, if there's nothing to do to turn things around and then you go straight to stage four. I wish I could feel nothing... But again is this a good thing. Not sure.

  2. Emotions make us human, anger, happiness, disappointment, etc. You should be happy to feel that way, i actually don't anymore. I feel like i am being played like a puppet since i was 12.

    I always thought in the back of my head, there is just someone or something that controls everything in this world. People made fun of me when i told them 9/11 was a inside job and such. I saw a youtube video of George Carlin and he said this:'' If you ever have kids, teach hem to question everything''.

    1. I saw your beautiful comment on my post which was about or understanding of love yesterday, and I have deleted it by mistake. I am so upset right now, because it was a beautiful comment - the best comment I have received so far.

      About this one, I don't do conspiracy theories but I question everything the society imposes on us. I always ask "why, is that so, let's check it, let's think about it" if this makes any sense.

    2. I searched for a method to recover it back, but unfortunately it's gone.

      But please don't be upset, i will comment on your beautiful writings.

      Take care :)

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