18 Aralık 2017 Pazartesi

We are constantly bullshitting about love

We are constantly bullshitting about love and what it is supposed to be. If you look into history, you will see our definition changes.

Governments, politicians and media have a say on how we should feel. After wars the politicians and governments push people to marry and make a lot of babies. Hippies appraises free love, love for all and possessiveness is the product of ill mind. When AIDS appears, they say monogamous relationships are the best, be loyal, don't sleep around. After each economic crisis, marriage is the only way to survive. If you look closely, you will see history repeats itself.

And then technology changes our definition of love, too. Now we have distant love , love online, virtual lovers and cyber sex. Being loyal or having a meaningful relationship is impossible. We fall in love or change partners overnight. We have fuck buddies, no strings attached, friends for benefits. We find our potential partners in dating and fucking agencies online. We have no time for love. Love has died. We don't even believe it exits anymore.

2 yorum:

  1. Diyorsun'ki feminizm = OROSPULUK
    Sonra ERKEK'DEN ADAMLIK bekliyorsunuz,tek eşli olacak,aldatmayacak,sadık olacak,şefkatli olacak,sevecek,saracak,tapacak, oldu canım.

    1. yukarida yazdigim sey ile ne alakasi var bu konunun anlayamadim.... Yazdigin yoruma gelince.... tek eslilik, sadakat, sefkat, sevgi bir iliski icinde olan ve ikili iliskinin sorumlulugunu tasiyan insandan beklenen seyler, sadece erkekten beklenmiyor.... son bir konu, feminism = orospuluk diyen kim?
